This project explores my early childhood memories and their impact on my photography. Growing up, my only interaction with water was when I visited ghats (a place at the edge of a river where Hindus cremate) of holy river Ganges in India. A place where life and death confront the senses with brazen, and equal, abandon. One image that stays clear in my mind is of a family member’s passing away. My family members looking on at the deceased’s body that was wrapped in silk and decorated with marigolds and religious icons was set ablaze beside the holy river. Rising smoke against the water gave it a dramatic effect, along with the learning of importance of the river Ganges and her waters giving hope that one can be liberated from this endless cycle of birth and death, and attain peace.
With this photo series I tried to recreate those images. I was inspired to explore this subject in Pico Island, Portugal where I participated in an art residency.